Kinma preschool

Play-based curriculum, beautiful child-centred learning environment, parent participation welcome!
Bookings are essential. Book online now, or alternatively call 9450 0738 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more information and to book your place.
Hear how our dynamic, progressive, independent school works, and tour our beautiful Primary and Preschool, set in the bush on 5 acres of land. Learn how we offer a unique child-centred education for preschool and primary school aged children, which includes Music, Spanish, basketball, bush walking, and much more.
You will have the opportunity to see the Preschool and have an informal chat and meet teachers and staff. Friday 28th of March, 9.30-10.30am.
Join the next tour or call 02 9450 0738 to book.
Play Group runs Mondays during term time 9.30-11am. Set in 5 acres of beautiful bush land, Play Group operates from the Kinma school hall and large outdoor playground. Check out the Kinma Play Group Facebook page:
The ability to focus on one activity or experience for a considerable period of time is universally agreed upon as very beneficial in the suite of learning skills. It can also be incredibly enjoyable and according to Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow, when it is, the learning and outcomes are enormous for the individual and the community of which they are a part.
What does focus look like at Kinma? Where is it found? How do teachers arrange scenarios to encourage it?
Play is predominant in the early years at Kinma. It is seen as a leading factor in the child's development. Central to the success of play is the child's self-control.
From play, children learn how to behave in social situations that are acceptable. Since play is child-centred and directed, the children learn self-discipline and self-motivation.
If you have young children and are interested in a connecting with like-minded parents, come and try our Playgroup.
Playgroup operates from within the School which is set in 5 acres of beautiful bush land. We use our multi-purpose meeting space and large outdoor playground where children can play while you relax and enjoy a cuppa. Playgroup runs every Monday during term time, 9:30am-11:00am.
Visits are $5 / family to cover morning tea and supplies. There are no membership fees.There is no need to book or to commit to a full term. Simply come along on any Monday when it's on.