The Northern School for the Blind, Chiang Mai, Thailand

The school Policy is

  1. To get childen used to a school enviroment,
  2. To get children prepared for the world and provide them with information they may need,
  3. To help chidren with disabilities become independent,


  1. Health care,
  2. Food and boarding rooms,
  3. Clothing,
  4. Educational equipment and transportation.

Some of us really like cooking and listening to historical stories about our country. Most of us learn to give massage and we like massage. We even gave Peter one when he visited. We like using beads and sometimes make beaded key rings which we sell for our school. Our teachers helped us with the beads for the bands we sent to you for the longest friendship band in the world.

Oone, Ar Chiang, Jub-Jip, May-Sa, Arnan,
Teerawut, Dream, Pop, Boo-Sue, Jub-Jang.
Some of the Senior Students of the school ( Aged 14-18)

Northern School for the Blind