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Community activities

Bush Dance

Held each year in June, the Bush Dance is our mid-winter festival. It's a fun, informal evening of dancing, food and socialising for all in our community.

Kinma dads-band

Children's End of Year Market

The Children's End of Year Market happens towards the end of term 4 each year. The children operate a market stall of their choosing - some make things to sell, others offer a creative range of services - while staff and parents are the customers.

TheChildren's Market Day is a regular special event held towards the end of term 4 each year. The children are encouraged to operate a market stall of their choosing - some make things or bring along toys and books to sell, others offer a creative range of services - while staff and parents are the customers. Some parents also set up stalls and sell a wide variety of items from craft, cakes to clothing and secondhand items.

This is a great real-life opportunity for the children to practice their skills at handling money and dealing with their peers and parents as customers. Profits go to fund special classes or programs, such as music or sport, at Kinma.

Primary xmas-markets

End of year gratitude gathering

Each year in December, our whole community is invited to come together for the evening and celebrate the year with gratitude.

Community christmas-1


Progressive Lunch

The children invite the parents to Kinma for a Progressive Lunch each year. Each class plans a dish to serve and all the children are involved in preparing and serving their meal to the adults. The lunch begins in the Preschool with apéritifs then moves to the Primary for entree, main and dessert. Yum!

Kinma progressive-lunch

Creativity Festival

Held in Term 3, the Creativity Festival is an opportunity for the whole community to discover the joy of creativity in so many forms, with drama, art, debating, baking, poetry and so much more.

Primary poetry-festival

Class plays

Towards the end of the year, we celebrate the creativity of our students with a school concert, in which each group presents a class play. The plays are developed entirely by the children, including the story, characters, props and costumes - with the help of staff and parents.

Primary drama-group3


Fundraising is a critical activity for the survival of our school. The main fundraising activities we do through the year are our annual Auction night and Bunnings BBQs. BBQ's at Bunnings are an easy, great way to raise money. We hold a BBQ at the Belrose Bunnings twice per year and ask for parents to book the days and organise a rostered crew. If you'd like to take on this task, please speak to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the office.