Real Life Learning at Kinma Preschool

 Preschool coins

Authentic learning describes the active engagement of children in experiences that are relevant and meaningful to them. Motivation is high when children can see how learning relates to their own lives.

At Kinma Preschool, children are involved in real jobs, gardening, sharpening pencils, hanging out washing, chicken care and cooking. These experiences are familiar and provide a setting where children can feel at home. Characteristics of purpose and responsibility develop and children thrive in their sense of independence, competence and belonging as they collaborate and problem solve together. Educators have a learning plan but follow as children take the learning in another direction.

Snack Attack is a weekly event where everyone shares a meal. In preparation, children position and cover tables, ensuring a place for everyone. Plates are carried from the kitchen, a washing up station is created.

In the afternoon, a teacher invites help to count the Snack Attack money. Her plan is numbers and coin shapes and sizes. Four children are keen to help, two of whom are familiar with numbers and eagerly share this knowledge. Conversation flows.

“Is this for charity? My mum gives money to charity”

“What’s a charity?”

“It’s when you give your toys to a shop and other people buy them. Some people are sick and have no house”

“We don’t buy many toys because my family is saving to buy a house. We are so close! Then we might have a dog and a trampoline.”

The conversation continues as the children sort and count.

Real life learning is one part of our curriculum which also offers opportunities including creativity,  dramatic play, French, music, dance, yoga, construction and basketball.