Preschool parent participation

Preschool lunch

It is basic to Kinma's philosophy and day to day operation that home and school environment are compatible, and that parents are aware of and involved in their child's education.

Read more: Preschool parent participation

Transition to primary

preschool transition

Kinma has a strong transition to school program developed in consultation with preschool and primary staff, children and their families, to give children the best possible start to their school journey. The program caters to the individual needs of all children who will be starting school the following year, whether or not that school is Kinma.

Read more: Transition to primary

Preschool FAQs

preschool playdoh

We understand that choosing your children's preschool is a very important task, and we are more than happy to answer all your questions. If you don't find an answer to your questions here, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Read more: Preschool FAQs