Assessment and reporting

Primary reports

Kinma meets all the assessment requirements of the Board of Studies. At Kinma, assessment and reporting is made up of:

  • Observation and Reflection
  • Developmental Stage Statements as Safeguards
  • Individualised Assessment
  • Weekly Reports on Class Activities
  • Informal Discussions Between Teachers and Families
  • Student/School Performances
  • Students Self-Reports
  • Formal Family-Teacher Interviews
  • Written Half Yearly Reports for Each Student

For more detailed information, please see the Learning, Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting policy.


"Assessment activies should:

  • enable students to demonstrate their learning in a range of different contexts
  • be reliable, free from bias and provides evidence that accurately represents a student’s knowledge, understanding and skills
  • be inclusive of and accessible to all students
  • be part of an ongoing process where progress is monitored over time"

- NSW Board of Studies, Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: Advice on Assessment, 2012



Kinma's children and teachers accumulate a personal profile. Records of each child's progress are kept throughout their years at Kinma. These provide a measure of continuity as a child moves through the school. 

Parent-teacher meetings

Twice a year there is a conference between an individual child's parents and the group teacher where the child's academic and personal development is discussed. Teachers prepare written evaluations of each child and parents are encouraged to comment or reply in writing on this report.

Parents are also welcome to meet with their child's teacher at any time during the year for additional discussions or support.